Hello, I am still new to having Ulcerative Colitis. I am only 18 years old and I was diagnosed last year in December. I started off trying different medicines which didn't work and my doctor wasn't paying attention and was always "too busy". So I switched doctors and Ive been on Prednisone and Asacol ever since. I have been at times where I "think" im in remission but I cant be fully sure. I don't really know what being in remission is like or if I ever have been. I have barely changed my diet besides cutting down on milk, cheese(dairy products). I just started having a minor flare up a few days ago and haven't been able to get it under control. Ive been trying to taper down on Pred, which my doctor recommended, but it hasnt kept it under control. I have been very stressed and Im not sure if thats what is causing it or what I am eating.
My questions are:
What is the best treatment for a mild case of UC?
Are there any diets that I should try?
What books are out there to guide me on my diet?