sleepless37 said...
imagardener2 said...
I take VSL#3 when I wake up 30 minutes before breakfast. I love food so this is the only time all day that there is 30 minutes without eating. (I am normal weight, just a nibbler). I don't get gas of any kind from probiotics. Before I started diet mod. a lot of food would cause stomach gas but now no gas either end.
First time posting to this forum. I have a toddler daughter with gut bacteria imbalance that is causing her to have ADHD like symptoms. Naturopath prescribed probiotics but we have switched brands due to stomach upset (gas,nausea,heartburn,reflux, hiccups and sometimes vomiting). Her psychological symptoms improve greatly with probiotics, but the side effects are no fun and I am afraid of her getting an ulcer from the reflux. The naturopath lately suggested VSL#3. I see a lot of people in this forum take VSL#3. Anybody experienced side effects from it, how much do you take? what are the ingredients on the label? Anything tips to prevent GI side effects? My daugther desperately needs probiotics to help counteract Klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas and alpha haemolytic streptococus overgrowth in her gut. ThanksVSL3 is probably the best and the most potent probiotic to take with it having 450 billion bacteria. My GI doc advised me to start taking it and said it was the only probiotic that has clinically proven to have an effect on the gut due to its potency and bacterial content. I have been taking it for about
a month now and have noticed a huge difference. My stools are much firmer. It says on the UK VSL3 web page that it does not matter when you take it. So I just take it whenever I remember in the day. But always take with cold food or drink. I usually sprinkle it in to some ice cold apple juice.
I have not known anyone to get any side effects from it apart from gas and that usually subsides when the bacteria colonises in your gut after about
two weeks. I did not have any problems though. The way I look at it is that it is not really a drug or medicine. Its the bacteria that should already be in our gut if they were healthy. I feel that the VSL is really aiding in the healing of my gut.
Your daughter should try it for two weeks and see if she sees a difference in herself.