Pushingforward said...
Spinach omellettes...my food of choice when flaring
Zippy123 said...
How do you make a spinach omlette? Do you just put spinach in the middle of it?
It's easy Zippy. I just put 3 or 4 eggs in the pan, stir them up. I sometimes add tumeric since it's anti-inflammatory. I thaw a bit of frozen spinach (can get them in little cubes here), and just drop some of the spinach pieces right into the egg and let them cook together.
Then you can put whatever you want into the omellete, sometimes I add cheese, cottage cheese, chicken if I already have some made, occasionally a tiny spoonful of salsa (only if I'm feeling ok and only a bit) and/or anything else you like.
Just experiment, put whatever you want in them.
Hope you enjoy!