I just read a comment that I've seen many times in the chat room....that really, it almost doesn't matter what we eat. If we're good, we're good - but if we're flaring, we're horrid. Does anyone else feel this way?
If I am in remission I can eat pretty much anything (within reason...no piles of onion rings or vats of cream based soup). If I'm flaring, I don't find that eating 'soothing foods' really helps all that much. The disease IS where it IS in the process.
Probably not a great idea to eat Mexican food during a flare, but we still run to the bathroom all day anyway. I know some folks have a particular sensitivity to certain foods (ice cream, etc) - but i think just UC has a mind of its own!
Question - I have never been particularly warned about Asacol being processed through the liver and to seriously watch alcohol consumption. We're wine drinkers - as in: we would take a dream vacation through French wine country if we could afford it. Anyone had problems with liver enzymes? Prednisone also?