I am 26 male, and was diagnozed with severe left sided UC in early january of 010. Since then I was hospitalized twice. I am about
to have my 5th Remi Infusion on the 10.
Since my last hospitalization, which was a little over a mounth ago, I have been doing really good. I should say that I was probably the healthiest I have ever been for this year, like I have never been sick before.
The problem I have is that I began bleeding for the past week, and actually the amounth of blood has been gradually increasing, I also began having lots of loose stool. After last Sunday I decided to go on a strict liquid diet thinking that it may help me heal my gust. I changed my diet to lots of water and lots of Ensure shakes, togather with vitamins and fish oil. Right now I am in my 3rd day on that diet and noticed that my blood is definatelly less, sometimes I dont even have any. I would have lots of mucas and D as well. Yestarday I made myself a chicken soup and put everything in a blender so I can make it easier for my guts to digest the food, and noticed that I do have paritally formed BM. The thing is I am really hungry and have huge cravings. I do not have pain. I guess the shakes are making me too gasy and then is the only time I would experience some pain, but nothing major.
I am currently on 15 mg of prednizone, and 6 pills of the Assacol HD per day. One thing with the Assaocol is that it goes right throuh me without being disolved.
My real question based on your experience is, am I getting better, or I am just temporarily keeping my simptoms down. Because I dont think I can last for long on this diet, I need some real food. The think is that my doctor says that if I do get sick before my infusion I need a sergery, since we have tryed everything. I met with other doctors and they are telling me not to have sergery. I am really confused and honostly a bit scared. I have learned a lot about UC for the past week since I have joined this forum and trully I have already learned as much as I have from my doctors.
Thank you