Posted 6/9/2010 8:29 PM (GMT 0)
Hi everyone. I have posted about my current flare several times, and I have appreciated everyone's help. I am hoping that I can benefit from your wisdom again. I feel like I am a totally mess right now and my doctors are not quite sure what is going on. This flair keeps going and going and it is really starting to take a toll.
I have been in a flair since January of this year, but with this flair I had many symptoms that I haven't ever had before. I got this sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. After using rectal meds for a month or two it progressed to extreme urgency, blood, mucous, and 10 bathroom trips a day, most of which were oddly fully formed. I had a lot of rectal pain as well, which I haven't had before. It would hurt to go to the bathroom and then ache for hours afterwards. I was put on prednisone and the symptoms seemed to improve. I was then put on Remicade, but I had an allergic reaction--horrible rash that lasted for six weeks. Then my doc put me on 6MP in the hopes that I could tolerate the Remicade better and that it would be more effective. He doesn't seem prednisone as a long term option, so he wanted me to try these others, so I could get off the prednisone.
Once I started the 6 MP, I stared to have to urinate a lot--10-20 times a day. It wasn't so bad, just annoying, until I then got my second Remicade treatment last Friday. I only got a mild rash thanks to antihistamines and probably 6MP, but now I have a ton of pain in my left side. Every time I drink anything, I have to go to the bathroom almost immediately and my bladder really hurts. The rectal pain is also back and I am constipated and my stomach is swollen. I am still urinating 10-20 times a day. Because excessive urination isn't a listed side effect of remicade or 6 MP, My G.I. sent me to my regular doctor and she ruled out diabetes insipidis, renal problems, electrolyte imbalance, and UTI.
So basically I am urinating all the time, my bladder hurts pretty much all the time, my left side hurts, I've got pretty nasty rectal pain and I am constipated (but no blood or D, thank god).
Does anyone know if inflammation in the colon can cause bladder problems? Could 6MP be causing this? Can remicade make your inflammation worse? If my regular doctor rules out everything she can (I am waiting on one more test), do I go back to my G.I.? He doesn't seem to think it is related to the medicine.
I haven't had a colonoscopy since April of last year b/c I have been flaring for a while. Could all of this be caused by a polyp or something like that? Should I ask my doctor to do a scope? My old doctor gave me one every year.
I'm sorry for all the questions. I am just so sad, frustrated, and in pain. I seemed to get better only to develop a new symptom or an old one to resurface. There seems to be endless possibilities of what is going wrong, all of which necessitate visits to different types of doctors and tons of tests. I just don't know who to turn to. My regular doctor doesn't know a lot about Remicade and 6MP and my G.I. seems convinced it is not related to the meds. He even sent me to a gynecologist after telling me the pain was probably gynocological only to have my gynecologist tell me it is probably my ulcerative coliits. How the heck am I supposed to know who to listen to?
I know most of you can relate to this--I just am so tired of being sick and tired. I am tired of my life revolving around U.C. and I am tired of all the tears and sitting at my computer trying to figure out what might be wrong with me.
Sorry for the rant/vent. I hope everyone else is having a good day. If you have any thoughts about what to do or any experience with bladder-related UC problems, I'd appreciate your advice.