For me, it's been a wonder drug. I am finally off prednisone after 9 months of being on it, and I'm probably going to be off 6MP soon too. It didn't start working for me until my 4th infusion - but right now, I'm doing great. I wish I had started it a LONG time ago.
I got a slight skin rash right after my first infusion, so now I get a dose of IV benadryl before they start the infusion. The benadryl knocks me out, so I sleep right through the first hour of the treatment. My GI office has a nice room with leather recliners where they do the treatment, with a TV, snacks and magazines - but my favorite part is being able to talk to people with IBD in person and in a relaxed atmosphere. I've actually made friends in the remicade room!
Believe it or not, I'm almost looking forward to my next treatment - as the mommy of a 3 month old baby, it's a nice chance to chill out, talk to grownups and relax for 3 hours. Even if I do have to get poked in the arm.