I've been pretty sick for the past few days. Fever, more pain than usual in the rectum. The last few suppositories made me cry. I've got a hemmorhoid that is killing me and the acid reflux has been bad. Not so much after I eat, but after I go to the bathroom. I'm shaky as all get out, have no energy and quite frankly am sleeping more than my cats these days. Yesterday, my eyes started acting funky as well. No idea if its related, but probably. I called my GI doc yesterday - everytime I call him, I talk to the nurse and I have a new Rx. It seems to me that he's treating the symptoms, but we've never had a discussion on how to get this under control and he's never really done much more than sit and listen to me. I had a colonoscopy back in February through another GI doc who wanted to be a little more personal than I did, so that's when I went to this new doc. I had an appointment a couple of weeks ago and the only thing he addressed was my hemmorhoid. Said he didn't think my Proctitis was causing problems and didn't want to see me back until I saw a surgeon and had the hemi taken care of. The thing is that I'm no doctor, but running a fever of 100-102 and being uncomfortable nearly every hour of the day is not something you want to let go for a month. I need someone to talk to me and let me know that there is a plan of action under way and I don't have this with my current GI doc.
So I'm thinking about going to the hospital and letting them treat me. I figure if I try to call a new GI doctor, it will take weeks or months to get in and going to the hospital may cut some corners as well as get some diagnostic work done to find out why I feel so bad. Dumb idea?