Thank you all for your concern.
Yes, I am quite aware that if left untreated, this is very very unlikely to resolve itself.
For the SCD, I have not cheated, not even a tiny bit, I have been very very good. Honest. I have tinkered a little with the diet, like went 2 weeks w/o any honey (I almost never make the muffins or use honey anyway) and didn't notice any difference. Actually, I have always had a very healthy well balanced diet, and thought I was eating very well when my symptoms (1 bm daily with blood on it) started. I then cut out dairy, gluten, started scd, and haven't noticed one tiny bit of difference for the better, just slightly worse than when it first started.
I have tried meds. I have taken meds as my GIs have prescribed. I have been good there too. Honest. I have another sigmoidoscopy tomorrow to see if my inflammation has spread since April when I was first scoped. I am sure after my GI gets a look inside me, he will prescribe something else, based on what he sees, and I will take it.
I am aware that the SCD doesn't work for everyone. Maybe it won't work for me. Maybe there's another trigger somewhere that I haven't found yet. My dad has UC so maybe I was just pre-destined in some way to develop it at some point in my life. His started probably in his late 30's too, same as mine. Maybe I just have that pre-disposition.
In the meantime, for what it's worth, I am sticking with the diet, not cheating, taking my probiotics etc., and taking whatever drugs my doctor prescribes for me (yes, rectal meds). I even tried a fecal transplant (4 consecutive days) with absolutely no change in my symptoms. I also have an appt with a naturopath in a couple of weeks to get another spin on things. If that doesn't do anything, I have the name of a local accupuncturist who was recommended by a friend, and I will try that next.
Oh, and I have proctitis, at last scoping it was just the last 4 cm or so of my rectum.
So there you have it, all about me. I think the SCD is a lovely idea, and I really really really hope it works for others!