Having a major flare. Was diagnosed with Crohns in 1996 and then rediagnosed with UC 2 years ago. This disease has never been really explained to me or how to properly deal with it. I have been on Prednisone, Asacol, Lialda, xanax, darvocet-n and something to quiet the spasms in my colon. I was just released from the hospital with anemia and an inflammed cecum. My dr. tells me that stress and diet do not cause this condition, but it can make things worse. Does anyone have a particular diet that follow? Does anyone have only RIGHT sided pain. My pain is not in my left side, it is all in the right side, in my lower back and across my lower abdomen. Does any of this sound familar to anyone. I am really desparate about
now. The pain, loose stools and anxiety over the whole thing just never seems to go away. Hubby is trying to understand but having a real hard time with all of this. Since my condition has worsened I have really become house-bound since I'm afraid to leave the toilet area. I have had several outside accidents
Tired in Mich