Please excue my negativity but Cobra is the answer only if you have the ability to afford it. Most people who are unemployed cannot afford this. My husband lost his job in June and we are on Cobra. We have 2 children so the family plan is costing us $1003.00 a month. Cobra is a JOKE. We not only pay $1003.00 but each doctor visit is $30 PCP/$60 Specialist. If you are UNEMPLOYED the last thing you can afford is this. Also, the manufacturer of the medicine, yep try that. My son has Crohn's and I have ulcerative colitis, so we take alot of medicine. I did contact the manufacturers of our medications but they basically go by what your income was last year! Even though my son is 20 and works part time, they took my husbands income from last year and he did not qualify (they said because he lives with us they have to go based on our incoime not his part time job) If we were making the money we made last year, we wouldn't need your program. I wish you luck as I have not had any.