Joma said...
It is most likely going to be the case that you will be turned down for individual insurance in the private market because of your preX. if that is the case, look into the new federal high risk plans that have been developed as a result of healthcare reform. these plans where in place and accepting members in my state of new mexico as of august of this year. in new mexico they were also reasonably priced because they based premiums on income levels. that being said, it is my understanding that not all states have allowed a federal high risk plan to be put in place and so this may not be an option where you live. worth a look though.
The new one coming here requires you to have no insurance for a period of 6 months.
The existing high risk pool says you have to quit if 'at any time' you are offered any plan whatsoever.
Are you talking about
an individual plan or a group plan ?