Posted 12/6/2010 1:08 PM (GMT 0)
Cisl, unfortunately, none of us can tell you what to eat - it's really an individual thing. Although my experience aligns closely with Quincy's, others have found that in the face of UC or maybe just in face of a certain time of life (things like allergies and food sensitivities can certainly change with the years....) that eliminating a certain food or group of foods helps them a lot. None of us can predict what camp your body will fall into.
No food "makes my UC worse" but some foods definitely make me more uncomfortable when I'm flaring - and to be honest, that changes with each flare, depending on how much of my colon is inflamed, where that inflammation is located.
You're new at this, and I know it's overwhelming.... keeping a food diary is a good idea, and note when you eat something how you feel hours later or the next day. It's easy to just feel scared of food, but... we need to eat, and I, personally, like to enjoy food. I do eat sweets sometimes, really enjoy them. And chocolate! I just try to eat healthy in general, so.... I try to be moderate about those things.
I had an artichoke last night. I love them. I have totally loose stools today - the result. I'm just reminding myself it was the artichoke, and not some big flare that's descended on me! I'll stay away from anything that challenging today, and I anticipate tomorrow ought to be fine for me. And so on.
Hope this helps a little!