Posted 12/19/2010 10:00 PM (GMT 0)
I'm 22 years old and really worried I have Ulcerative Colitis and that I should be doing something about it. My brother was diagnosed with it when he was around 12 and is fine as of now. I've never really done anything because my symptoms are pretty rare, but they've been happened since I was a kid. Every now and again, my stomach starts to hurt like hell and then it slowly moves down to my intestines. It's like there is a sharp pain that slowly builds up until it unbearable and then it suddenly releases and it feels kinda like it "bubbles" up. Then it begins again....this happens repetitively until I go to the bathroom and diaharrea for about 30 minutes, and once I get it out I feel better again. The diarrhea doesn't have any blood (from what I can tell). HOWEVER, none of this had happened to me in a looooong time (maybe 9 months? maybe less, maybe more) but it has been happening every so often since I was a kid. Besides these random moments of agony every few (or more) months, I feel fine. I'm in good shape and I workout....generally, I feel very healthy. Sometimes, I have noticed little "blots" of blood in my stool at other times- but nothing that seemed too significant. question is WHAT DO I DO? Do I have U/C? If I do, are my symptoms mild enough to just ignore it, or should I be on meds? I know U/C can also increase your chance at colon cancer- should I be worried??!?!? I feel like I've been hesitant to tell anyone or go to the doctor because I've been in denial about the symptoms...:( PLEASE HELP!!