ok guys, I know this I rather gross, but I know some of you have had these issues too, so here goes...
I'm currently on Remicade treatments (3 so far) and BM have been now consistently firmer, which is a HUGE improvement for me. I'm now having problems 'holding it'. Of course, it only happens when I'm out and about
- I get that 'feeling' in my stomach and that's all she wrote. I'll have to go home and shower and that pretty much kills my day. I'm 23 and am sick of all these problems! My husband and I think maybe ( big maybe ) that this is due to anxiety? My question is, has anyone else with UC been prescribed anti-depressants/anti-anxiety medication for this issue?? Thanks!!!
Female,diagnosed with pancolitis Sept 2010.
Currently on Remicade injections, just finished up weaning off Prednisone.