Well, I don't like to take prescribed medicines mainly because I don't handle them well, and I'm not really into changing my diet much either. I eat relatively healthy anyway, but I enjoy having pizza at least once a week. So for nearly 2 years I've been trying different herbs. Nothing seemed to help me heal completely. I've read Dr. Klein's book on healing ulcerative colitis, but I'm not ready to become a vegan even though I did learn about
combining foods. Anyway, I guess you could say I've been flared for 2 years. Just after the New Year I started taking VSL3 8 caps a day (now only 7) and eventually will taper off to 6 if all keeps going well.
Last week I added the herb Slippery Elm because I read that it healed ulcers. I only went to the bathroom twice the whole week! They were perfect BMs both times as described in medical books. I did not feel urgency once! It was awesome! Week 2 still doing great with no bleeding and 2 BMs this week. I'm loving this, and I have not changed my diet. Maybe some of you have experienced this because as I've read your posts, I've seen people say "i'm flaring again"or "i'm in remission". I never understood this because this is my first time since being diagnosed I've experienced anything normal. Hoping it continues. Do you think it is because i'm taking the probiotic and slippery elm or could my body just naturally stop flaring for some reason?