cmfiebke said...
But I also want to know if it is better to get relief and get on with life and healing, or if these meds are NOT good for a patient with UC. I hate NOT knowing, and I HATE going into a drs office with out an idea of what I should be expect or what questions I should be asking.
I got valium once when I was in a sudden child custody dispute and told the Doctor she needed to give me something to calm me down - it was granted.
I only got Vicodin by having a stroke. The Neurologist gave me Topomax which is still sitting in the kitchen un
opened. I flat told him I am not going to take something that will aggravate memory recall when that is my primary symptom. He wrote in his notes to the GP that I was using it less and less for painful headaches and more for its ability to make UC go away.
The GP was busy and another Dr made me sign some contract about
testing me for abuse sourcing vicodin somewhere else bla bla bla. I told her 'look stop the blood thinner and I will never ask for vicodin again - but if your going to continue giving a UC patient something that prevents healing from internal bleeding them you need to give me vicodin because it makes UC go away in high doses'. I also told her I stopped for a week and felt no 'withdrawal'. The GP gave me more vicodin but at vastly reduced quantities in which it was not effective, had the same conversation with him. I went back after MRI/MRV confirmed stroke was 100% gone and said I wanted off BOTH vicodin and blood thinner. We agreed to chop BT by 67% for last 2 months - no vicodin. So when I saw the GI yesterday I tried to bring him back to where we were last summer - where nothing including 100mg prednisone was doing anything for me. He said there is no conceptual reason for treating with vicodin over immodium. He is wrong ( in my case my body ) but what I was hearing is that he felt he would be going out on a limb, that it is difficult to justify writing a script
So I would attack the source of pain with mentioned bentyl, librax, I use mebeverine too. Then I would also try to get some sort of pain relief but I would expect to be shot down.