hi, its been a while since Ive been on here. Ive actually been in remission for almost a year.. I was on oxycontin and different pain killers as well as 6mp colozal and the raw food diet, all which I believe put me in remission. the narcotics were Really helpful in slowing downmy digestion which gave me solid bowel movements, its not good for people who Dont have diarhea but for us, with diarhea and crohns disease its really a good medicine to be put on, as well as fixing the cramps! as odd as it may seem the narcots is what allowed me to pass my CNA class and graduate and work, after going into remission, I stopped the 6mp, now I take the colozal but not as often..
also, I am not on the raw food diet anymore, I eat just about anything I want, but the raw food diet and the eating healthy foods and staying away from meat, grains, wheat, and dairy really helped clean and purify my system. If and when I get a flare again, I will do that exact stradegy again and I guarantee it will work.. Im leading a relatively normal life now, except I Still get hellfull cramps and pain, just no diarhead, normal bowelmovements, no blood, no nausea. just the pain.. I have been doing good, its really worth a shot! also, goatmilk dairy from goats such as kefir is REALLY the godsend for us, it has been proven in numerous studies to aide in digestion as well as completely remove the inflammation from ulcerative colitis in rats and other animals in studies. you should Really google that topic and search it. I eat light now, not to much, and Im still at around 130lbs not trying to body build anymore its much stress on the body and that is what contributed to my flare I believe..