Hi All, (hopefully this is not too long)
I was diagnosed 12/22/10, I had some bleeding for about a month prior to that but no other symptoms. I was actually very suprised by the DX, I figured colonoscopy was just going to show hemmies. Anyway my GI started me on Asacol HD 3/day, within a few weeks bleeding stopped and no other symptoms, so I figured everything was good.
Around the beginning of Feb. I started having a lot of diarrhea 10+ times a day. I called my GI, he said he does not like to start prednisone and just suggested immodium at that time. It just continued and then the bleeding really started, everytime I went it was just all bloody diarrhea with tons of mucus/tissue looking stuff, so I called GI again and he prescibed cortenemas, I used these everynight for 2wks, they did nothing. I called GI again and he then prescibed prednisone 60mg orally, this also did nothing. I called GI again and he said he needed to admit me to the hospital for IV steroids because at this point I was eating and drinking pretty much nothing because I just couldn't and has lost 20lbs. I went in on 2/25 and was given tons of fluids (i guess they said my heart rate was very high from dehydration), IV steroids and they switched me to colazal 9/day. After about 2 days the bleeding stopped, but still has tons of diarrhea, was still not eating much. I felt better, like I really wanted to go home but they would not let me because my potassium was very low, so I had to say until they could get that up with IV potassium, ended up being there for 6 days (not fun at all, this was my first and hopefully last hospitalization, LOL),
I am now doing very well. I am home on 9 colazal a day, prednisone 60mg (will see my GI on 3/15 and find out how he wants me to taper). I have no bleeding, no diarrhea, BM's about 3/day formed. Back to eating normally (food does not seem to bother me in anyway, thankfully, because I love to eat, lol).
Are there any other supplements/vitamins that you guys would reccomend, other than what is in my sig.
Also for the ladies, My period has come about 2wks early, which I know is not that big of a deal but just wondering if maybe the prednisone could do that. ( i don't seem to have any other side effects, so far from the pred. maybe a little insomnia and some acne but I can deal with those)
Thank You to anyone who takes the time to read this and respond. I find this website to be extremely helpful and informative.