I don't think surgery is giving up, most people who have surgery do end up with a much higher quality of life after but at the same time, I understand your fears.
There are some treatment options available that you may not have heard about
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&m=1666318read through that thread, towards the bottom we posted a link with alternative/traditional treatments that are available. have you cinsdered LDN? I've seen a few people who are doing very well on it (more Chron's patients than UC).
How are his symptoms? Moderate? Severe? I am assuming they are severe if he is considering srugery. Have you tried antibiotics? I personally think it's worth trying, it's possible he has a bacteria on top of his UC thht is making it very difficult to treat.
I would try seeing another GI. It can't hurt. Just try to be supportive. Let him know that you will be there for hiim whatever he chooses. Life with severe UC is not fun and surgery CAN give him his life back. I've seen a lot of people who used to post here, have surgery, and move on...