Hello everybody ,
I am regular visitor but not poster. I love this website . So much to learn . Thank you everybody for devoting your time and efforts.
So I am on reducing course of predisolone 40mg - 2.5 mg/week . Recently started taking probiotic - vsl 3 - 1/2 sachet to increasing dose slowly to 4 sachet per day. I also take Imuran 100mg. When i started probiotic (2 weeks ago) I noticed my stool were more formed and frequency reduced from 5 times per day to 2 times / day but i started noticing blood/mucous which is usually fresh at starting, followed usual normal formed stool. So i continued reduced course of pred. and currently on 15mg per day and now my monthly periods(mc) started and seems that everything is going out of control the stool is getting softer and more blood and mucous and frequency going back to 5 per day. I have following rectal medication in stock :
Asacol foam / supposteries - whenever i use this i get unbearable burning sensation and my sensivity increases and seems that my bleeding also increases ( cant take oral form since asacol pass as it is and pentasa caused diahrreao)
Sulphazine supposteries - these are yellow/orange in color cause so much mess . Since recently started probiotic i get lots of gas and these yellow colored supposteries create sooo much mess .. but i still do not find any benefit and for me its reallly difficult to make out is it blood or supposteries residue.
Predfoam(20mg) - difficult to administer but still cant find it helpful. No relief even when tried it for a month in past.#
Scheriproct supposteries ( 1 mg steriod and anethesia) - I love this . It only help to relieve pain . God knows if it helps with bleeding.
So my questions :
Any rectal/oral medication ? How much time i should give to see improvement ?
Should I continue to taper steriod let probiotic to work or should i increase steriod to get stable or wait until menstrual cycle settle down.
Imuran user - Can you please tell me when you started using this medicine what was your WBC , Platelet count, CRP/ESR and when it kicked in what is it like. I am on imuran from 8 months and my WBC - 4.8 , Platelet - 448 , CRP - 46 ( on steriod 11) Liver test says RF - Normal . Serum total bilirubin level (Low ) 3 . ALT/SGPT serum level (Low ) 9. As per my knowledge Imuran only slow down immune system but does it reduces inflammation ?
My GI says i cant take remicade because 6 months ago i got shingles when i started imuran , the infection might just come back . He is pushing me for surgery . My GP is great . She says she will prescrible me whatever medicines i want to try .
Sorry for long post . Thanks in advance.