I have extreme urgency right now, and have for months.. which is making me crazy. I feel horrible whenever I'm in a car, or anywhere I don't know (what if I don't find a bathroom in time? what if it's busy?) and that means I hardly do anything anymore.. I wouldn't be surprised if I become depressed soon.
Anyway, my thing is, I have noticed that since my urgency gets worse when I'm about
to leave the house, when I am between places (i.e. out walking or in a car), or when the only bathroom in my apartment is in use, obviously, there is a strong mental component here. I have been mildly successful in controlling my mind in these circumstances in the past, I just have to concentrate and tell myself I don't really have to go, it's just the stress, I will be near a bathroom in 5 minutes, and so on.
So I'm curious as to what you guys do, whether anyone does this too? And if anyone has any tips?
Btw I saw a post earlier in which a lot of people said they went to the bathroom more often when they had little to do and easy access to one, but less often when they're busy. I have the exact opposite problem!