7007 said...
One had his wife's stool tested and it came back fine. No, I don't think he did the Borody protocol. The other person...I don't remember, sorry. I *think* he had his donor's stool tested. Whether or not he followed the complete protocol, not sure. Sorry I don't have more details.
Yeah that was me who flared up with my wife's stool- and I spent about
USD 1500.00 having her tested for about
half the items listed on the Barody protocol (would have cost around 3000.00 to do every test- and we share our germs anyway so the whole thing seemed pointless) and it was very hard to make sense of the test results too, because most people will test positive for having been exposed to various things- it does say something for using a child as a donor. If i ever try it again I may use my young nephews if he doesnt mind. I wouldnt bother with the testing again- just too expensive and hard to make sense of in my experience. I followed the barody protocol only in the mechanics of delivery- my wife did not do the heavy grain diet that week, and i did not use antibiotics beforehand- I did it for 3 days before I gave up due to clearcut flaring.
7007- when I enter an unresponsive flare, one thing I do is a therapy "stand down"- Instead of adding more therapies, I eliminate them down to the one or two most likely to stabilize things, on the theory that the flare could actually be caused by the body simply unable to cope with so many therapies or, in our case, supplements bombarding it at once. I cant tell you which to eliminate, but i am still at leastlow dose ored dependent and in my case, sometimes I will eliminate everything but pred and a small dose of VSL and then gradually restore some therapies later after I stabilize- and in my cae I definitely seem to benefit from such a standdown.