OK, so after 4 mos of vicious flaring (and on-again, off-again for past 2-3 years), I finally bit the bullet and started Azathioprene (100mg) in Dec 2010. Pretty soon after I started, the edge came off this thing and I have been able to sleep at night, function throughout the day, get some color and energy back.
But, I don't feel as if I have fully rounded the corner. I still am making numerous trips to the pot throughout the day and some with urgency. I called my GI several weeks back and informed him about this. His response was that he saw the medicine as basically working and to give it some more time. I will be seeing him for follow up appt at end of month.
Add'l facts: taking asacol tabs and mesalamine enema. These are what put me into remiss when I was orig dx'd 7yrs ago. I've lost confidence in these meds. I'm supposed to take ememas nightly, but I've been non-compliant, due to my perception that they lack effectivness. I know, I should get back on regular routine.
I take extra fiber, probiotics, vit D, fish oil. Sometimes quercetin, robert's formula. Tried LDN...was not impressed. Was for many years on gluten, dairy, yeast free diet. no processed sugar. Was in remiss for about 4-5 yrs, was it the diet? Or was it the meds?
So, if anyone has any thoughts on this, maybe suggestions or insight as to what is going on here, I'd appreciate it.