MattSCESC said...
This thread just trigged a BM, thanks guys.
hahahaa you too??? that is freakin weird!
Anytime i know there isn't a bathroom immediately close by or available, or whenever I'm stuck in a situation that I can't just exit immediately and comfortably, I get urges. ya, it's anxiety. Interestingly, for me at least, the UC causes the anxiety that causes a BM. Kind of a vicious circle. Only way out is through breathing and mental control.
One of my least favorite: when a plane lands and everyone stands up to wait for the doors to
open, and you're trapped by tons of people in the aisle and couldn't get to the bathroom in time even if you wanted to. The stewards won't even let you go after a certain point in the landing procedure for safety reasons. Sitting very still and focusing on slow breathing and a broad perspective gets me through it. I ALWAYS go right after I get off a plane.
Also, exercising or moving in general tends to make me have a BM. On average I will walk for about
5 minutes before I have to go, and then I can continue to walk ok for a while. I've noticed I can hold an urgent BM for quite some time as long as I am sitting perfectly still, and I mean PERFECTLY still.