HI matt i see we have alot in common! im not sure how to contact you can you go in chat?
MattSCESC said...
Hey Heather. I'm 26, and I was diagnosed two years ago. I am steroid dependent right now. Currently at 25mg of pred, slowly tapering. My liver enzymes are horrifically low after being on pred for pretty much the last two years. I've tried Asacol, Asacol HD, Apriso HD, Maselamine enemas, sulfazalazine, and am currently on 125mg of 6-mp. So far nothing seems to be working, so I have an appointment on Tuesday to see a colo-rectal surgeon.
I totally feel where you're coming from. People like to think that UC is funny, because you poop frequently. I've heard female's compare the abdominal pain to that of childbirth, and if I were a female, I would never give birth, after going through the pain I've been through.
Send me a PM with your email, and we can exchange emails now and then. I'm kind of in the dark about the whole ileostomy process, and would love to hear it from someone who had it done before I decide to do it.