kazbern said...
I don't think it matters at the moment which IBD name they'll tell you. What's important is to find a treatment that relieves your symptoms and gets you to remission.
Couldn't disagree more. UC and Crohn's are different diseases, and consequently have different treatment plans. There are things that tend to work well for Crohnie's, such as the SCD, that don't work so well for UCers.
Your first priority should be determining not only exactly what disease you have, but the best approximation you can to its cause. Many, many people on this forum found long lasting relief from their disease after they successfully identified whatever was causing the problem in the first place (i.e. food intolerances, vitamin deficiencies, specific species of invasive bacteria, etc). Knowing what the cause is necessitates knowing exactly what disease you have.
Otherwise you will be shooting in the dark trying out a huge variety of meds until you simply get "lucky", if you ever do.
Figure out what's wrong with you. That is the first critical step to healing in any disease. Your chances of hitting the target are minimal if you can't even see it.