Sorry you're feeling hopeless. UC sucks big time.
I gather when you say : My doctor who is usually positive seems like he has run out of options - that he's had you on rectal meds too, and they too were ineffective?
Like imgardener2, I think you may want to try diet modification. Many doctors don't believe in it, but lots of this forum have been helped by the SCD diet. IF SCD is too rough for you, you could just start being dairy and wheat free and see if that makes any major differences in how you feel?
Also there are some supplements that can help, IMO:
1) Have you had Vit. D3 levels checked? There's a big connection between low D3 levels and IBD.
2) Are you using any probiotics? VSL#3 is a good one because it has 450 billion active cultures, and you can get it from costco's.
3) Have you tried adding L-Glutamine 15 grams - this helps with colonic repair?
4) Omega 3 or krill oil - 2 grams - can help cut down on inflammation, you could try that too?
Lastly, as everyone knows, I am a great proponent of LDN, specifically Transdermal LDN - you could try that?
Also, some have had great success with FT - Fecal Transplantation - if you can get over the yuck factor, do some research, it might give you a better alternative, no?
Let us know how you make out. This is a great place to vent, and we're all here for you