My last pathology report of my entire colon was in October 2010, my most recent pathology report which was of my sigmoid and rectum was just 2 weeks ago. In October all was good with the exception of a small patch of inflammation in my rectuml, hence the flex sigmoid.
To the rest of you. Thanks for all the positive feedback. I am glad to share my journey with all of you. Your opinion as a collective means a lot to me. I feel as if I know each and everyone of you from your posts. Overall it's a pleasure to hang out with all of you here. There is always the temptation to stay away but I plan on hanging around.
Thanks again.
P.S. I told my Gi doc this last time that we have to stop meeting like this. This was as they asked me to lie on my left side and as he put petroleum jelly on his gloved finger I told him "You only want me for my ass!" He laughed.