It's been a while since I posted here. I have been doing so well here that I haven't been checking in as much as I used to. Whenever I see an Imuran question I chime in. I have had UC for about 20+ years. I have been on Prednisone for occasional flares, Asacol and have had mulitiple colonoscopies. My colitis got worse not better. All the time I had a very prominent GI in my area watch my colon just get worse. All the time he kept telling me that my colitis was a mild case. If you just looked at the pictures of the inside of my colon it looked like raw, bleeding hamburger meat. However I trusted him and went along for the ride.
Fast forward, my colits continued to spiral downward. Eventually I went on Imuran after switching doctors and after going to a major metro teaching hospital. The imuran has been great. No side effects, one bowel movement every 1-2 days. No bleeding, cramping, mucus or urgency. I have been living life to the fullest lately going para sailing, zip lining, white water rafting, traveling, etc... For now my colitis is a thing of the past. At least bad colitis. Meaning I know I have a chronic illness for life but my last flex, colonoscopy showed a 100% healed colon and no active colits anywhere. I am so happy for that.
I am not promoting Imuran for everyone. I just wanted to share it has worked for me in all aspects. My bloodwork has been spotless and I just feel better knowing that all is good from a histological and clinical perspective. If you have any specfic question please feel free to ask.