notsosicklygirl said...
You poor thing. You're so young to deal with all of these awful things. It sounds similar to my fissure. I hope it's not one though. It would be hard to self diagnose because they can be deep between the cheeks. I thought I had hemmies for the longest time. Finally my GI took a look and it was a fissure. They hurt like hell and they take long to heal. I hope you don't have one. Sitz baths can help a lot.
I guess I've been dealt a few bad cards throughout my life. I just take those bad cards and make the best of them! I really have no idea what it could be. It doesn't hurt when I use the bathroom, just when I wipe if I put too much pressure on it. It's also very uncomfortable to sit. Including the fistula and whatever this is, it's pretty painful. My poor butt, sure is taking a beating. I have been doing sitz baths to relieve some pain. I like to make it really hot then sit on it. Feels great.