First, thank you so much for taking the time to send me all the information!
The reason I contacted you is because I am in South Florida too, Boca Raton to be exact. I don't want to have to go to NY to get an Rx for LDN if I dont have to. The doctor I am refering to in NY is Dr.Hoffman, have you heard of him? He sets a whole plan with nutritionist etc, at a very high price and no insurance :( So if you can tell which doctor prescribed to you i might go to him/her if its close by, otherwise i will call the pharmacy like you suggested.
Are you still on Scd or Ldn allowed you to introduce non Scd foods?
I totally agree with you on Jini Patel, I just bought the book and it has a lot of good info, but i buy the products at the local vitamin shoppe or Whole foods market. Also I cannot find anybody outside her website, or forum that followed her protocols with success, so I really don't know....
My daughter currently takes pentasa 3x day but no other meds., she takes probiotics, Natren Healthy Trinity, I will switch to VSL as soon as I only read good things about it. I give her L-glutamine on an empty stomach to stop diarreah and it works great, but I just recently started giving it to her as a supplement with her shakes, my problem is with the dosage, i just give 1/3 of the adult dosage for everything, also takes multivitamins from GI prohealth as they are SCD compliant. Omega 3, D3 (800 IU per day, probably not enough....), boswellia, DGL licorice, digestive enzymes. I cannot find a liquid B vitamin that has no sugar. I need a good naturopath I didn't find one either. I put all this together just from reading online, and thanks to great people like you!
Also I wanted to ask you what do you think about treating UC as an infeccion with natural antibiotics as Wild oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, colloidal silver etc....
Sorry again for all this questions. I think i am looking for a miracle sometimes, but I also know that something is working, she is almost pain free, ocasionally gets tummy ackes and joint pain but it doesnt last as long as it used to. But the future scares me....
Thank you again for all your help, and I really hope that what you are doing keeps working for you!