WingZero said...
Ok, I'm definitely a supporter of natural/organic healing but the fact that this guy told you to completely stop your meds (especially the prednisone) makes me, personally, uncomfortable. What I would suggest is transitioning into the natural/organic lifestyle WHILE continuing your meds, with a goal of tapering down on them and perhaps eventually getting off them completely. But to stop cold turkey? He clearly doesn't understand how some of these meds work and how doing that could throw your body into shock.
ditto. I'd seriously question his credentials if he thinks you can survive dropping off 40mg of pred without consequences. You CANNOT stop taking pred at that high a dose without it harming you. Trust me, I did, not pretty. doctors in the hospital forgot to put it on my regimen after surgery and I had to stay in ICU for 2 extra days because it made my heart rate drop and my ability to take in oxygen properly crapped out too. I go to a natural doctor who works with a naturopath. They never ever told me to stop my meds like that, they even gave me pred if I needed it. There is a difference between a doctor that takes a more natural approach with science and one that says herbs fix everything and throw in a prayer just for good measure. (Plus what kind of doctor talks to a person once and then says they never had cancer. Not a good sign)
This isn't a matter of belief in God fixing things. I believe in God, but he doesn't fix things for us overnight like that. God made people smart so they became doctors, so we can go to them to get help when we're sick. If you want a more natural approach, integrate it with your current meds and then wean off. Don't simply stop all together. Take the slippery elm with the meds, wean of the pred at a slow pace as usual and see what happens. Slippery elm did squat for me, but it has helped others. And maybe consider getting a new GI to take a look at you if all those pills aren't getting you any better.