grains give me the most problems so it's best for me to avoid them.
Yes, grains are a definite problem for many (me included).
Didn't you try the SCD diet at some point?
the doctors said feet numbness is normal for prednisone users
Really, when they gave me prednisone, they never told me about that side effect? I wonder how long after finishing prednisone can you get the feet numbness?
is it your entire leg? that is very weird. typically, swollen feet are a sign of lack of protein, but i don't know why an entire limb would go numb. maybe you should have a blood clot test done on your limbs??
No, it's not my entire left leg, just from the knee down. I had a blood clot test a few weeks ago, came out negative. Lack of protein - didn't know that. I eat a protein rich diet. I don't know.