Thanks for the advice, everyone. To be honest, I was really scared someone was going to reply and say: "this isn't related to UC--we don't know what's wrong with you" which would make me feel really upset. Hearing that other people have had at least some similar experiences means a lot to me.
[quote]Wavefunction, please don't "exxagerate symptoms" to manipulate your doctors. They are not stupid, and perhaps they see through that and then don't believe the things that are really true.[/quote]
I've had some pretty stupid doctors, actually. Before I got sick I thought you had to be relatively intelligent to go through the steps to become a doctor. I don't feel that way anymore.
In my OP I mentionned about one of the doctors I saw that had no idea what Ulcerative Colitis was. He told me it was just stress and that I could sleep it off. When I protested and tried to explain he just shut me off and repeated the same advice. While he was the worst, I've had quite a few other doctors that weren't all that much better. With those kinds of doctors then yes, I manipulate them. I have to. I've exaggerated symptoms before because I knew I needed a certain kind of treatment/medication and I knew I wouldn't get it unless I exaggerated. With a good doctor I'd never in a million years do that.
[b]Babeinthewoods[/b]: Thanks for all your advice. I've heard a lot about probiotics too but unfortunately I don't know much about them.
I'll ask my GI about them next time I see them. He wants to put me on Remicade eventually and I might ask him to put me on probiotics instead to help bridge the gap between Prednisone and Remicade.
How did you treat your eye inflammation? I'm afraid that's what I have now. It's becoming noticeable and I'm worried that it can become serious if I don't get it treated... can it?