Probiotics are very important for us with Colitis. The probiotic put the good bacteria back into the colon that is lost with the frequent Bowel MOvements. When the flora in the colon gets out of wack the bad bacteria takes over and things go for the worse. I take probiotics 2x daily. The ones I find beneficial are in my signiture at the bottom. Many people here take VSL#3 with great results.
Metamucil wafers I have not had but im sure they are fine. I use the metamucil powder and not the sugar free one as it contains aspartame. The aspartame will make diahrea worse.
Metamucil is important to absorb the liquid in the colon, bulk the stool so it's easier to pass-so your not straining, and keep the colon walls clean. I take a tablespoon in a glass of water every night before bed.