I am lucky to have insurance, but it makes sense that some people don't as it is tied to your employment and we all know how things are going w/ that these days. Even w/ Cobra, still expensive. We have a small business so I pay through the nose for my health insurance.
It is great for people who are still able to maintain a positive attitude, but I think it is totally normal for people to feel angry and bitter about having a chronic disease..especially when you are so young and feel you will be on meds for the rest of your life. Accepting this is definitely a process and acceptance goes back and forth. I feel that UC is def. more than just having "stomach issues". I think we would feel more hopeful if we could see more cures out there and not just new treatments. Admittedly, treatments are better than nothing, but not ideal at all for most to say the least. I would like the freedom to travel and do things w/out worrying about my meds or bathrooms or anything like that. It makes sense that companies do what is rewarded and ongoing med payment is a big reward.
As they say intelligent people have the right to disagree and this is a very interesting thread. Kudos to those who can put this always in a positive light.... I am not there yet.