My husband had the same problem and it turned out he needed a longer course of Hydrocortisone enemas in addition to the Asacol.
His blood and urgency did increase even after the Asacol started but some people do need a longer course of cortenemas. I don't think 10 days is nearly long enough and you may need to even try morning and night to get the flare under control.
He used hydro enemas for about 1 month and then changed to Rowasa and that helped. It can take longer for the Asacol to work but you may need the hydro enemas to really decrease the inflammation.
He is still using Rowasa but was able to go to an every other day administration of Rowasa in additon to Asacol.
I think he feels best taking both,,,but is happy to only do Rowasa every other day- by the second day he knows that he needs it again as the urgency creeps back a bit.
He is also on VSL#3 and feels that it does help him!