Cadillac Lover said...
So pretty much this is the cure for UC?
There are other factors that determine your colon health besides thyroid meds that I did not post. First anyone who takes thyroid medication and does not have a thyroid disorder, antibodies or a bad functioning thyroid will become hyperthyroid. Hyperthyroidism causes colitis in healthy people. So, someone who does not have a thyroid disorder with UC and takes thyroid medication will have major problems.
If your thyroid and adrenal glands are functioning well, then you should be able to control your symptoms with diet and certain alterations. There are many people who go on a diet and do not find relief. The major factor in this is: 1. most vitamins contain fillers and binder that are known to cause colitis like microcrystalline cellulose, carrageenan, etc. 2. certain vitamins cause colitis like B6, iron in larger dosages 3. Processed foods have ingredients that are known to irritate the digestive tract in healthy people like sugar alcohols xylitol, maltitol, etc… 4. Most vitamins irritate the colon I tried a lot over the years and came to that conclusion. So, vitamins are like pouring water and gasoline on a fire same goes for nutritional supplements.
If you require vitamins go to an alternative doctor and ask for a vitamin injection, I get a b-vitamin injection it only cost $ 40, 7 years ago I would get a multivitamin IV every week cost about
The best probiotic I’ve taken is vitamin K, it is not a probiotic but acts like one, it crowds out bad pathogens from the intestine. I bought vitamin K pills and it irritated my colon. So instead I juiced vegetables with a lot of vitamin K. I tried cabbage juice with spinach. Some people do not like cabbage juice. Juice baby spinach instead it has a lot of vitamin K, iron and has a sweet taste.
All else fails try LDN. My digestion improved by 80% and well formed stools. But my thyroid problem was the reason I did not improve.