Wow, I was surprised to see does not carry sodium butyrate-that is unfortunate.
I am finding Hi-Maize (5 G per TBSPN) the best source (for me) of RS along with green/semi green bananas (5 G per Banana). These are the very easiest to deal with as you don't need to prepare, etc. There is significant data on the web that Hi-Maize is a very tolerated RS. It's funny, I have 18 cans of Eden Organic Navy Beans and I cant stand them ! Is there a tasty way to prepare them? I find them dreadful
Re: L-Glutamine. I have actually used this for years for muscle recovery.I have read that it is good to take L-Glutamine with Sodium Butyrate as they work together in the colon-not exactly sure how.
While I have had great success with Spinach and Sunflower seeds to rid myself of B+M, it is clear to me that the RS and Sodium Butyrate are making the difference. All of the information I have found to get to remission was on this board. Not sure where I would be without all this great information sharing, from all over the world.