Thoreau said...
I want to believe that I can heal, and save my colon.
You said it yourself. Look man, the body is a slave to the mind. It's a car your brain is driving and when the whip needs fixin the mind has to tell the mechanic what to do. Even though he's great at what he does, he's an idiot without the blueprints. Its up to you to concentrate hard enough and manufacture the schematic. You already have the correct mindset bro, now put it in action. Get mad, sad, laugh, whatever you need to do. Do it.
Wanna know what has healed me the most in my 17 yr ride on this monster's back? Not drugs, herbs, clever diets, or funky things they wanna put up my butt whether I'm asleep or not.. It's LOVE. Love for YOURSELF, self-preservation in all it's finest glory paL! Once you love yourself enough to survive.. start loving others just as much. Trust me it will catch on and others will begin to love you back. Now you got yourself a bundle of sticks. Try breaking those compared to just one.
This UC beast has tried to whack me 3 times already. I've even felt what it feels like to die. Kinda freaky but I'm still here, and every time I wake up to another day I tighten the saddle on this mofo and yell giddyup. I wasn't born a prince.. I'm a King by choice. If UC is to be my horse then I'm going to ride off into some form of porcelain sunset of MY creation, not this disease's.
Write your quote down and stick that badboy in your wallet. This is an excellent forum packed with many many caring and knowledgeable members willing to help you as much as they can, for free. I wish I could say the same about
some of the GI docs I've been to.
Peace and Love