journey2health said...
What I mean by a back up med is a maintenance med. As you withdraw from pred, something else (safer) has to kick in to take it's place. Pred is just a short term solution because of all the side effects. So it may b e the mesalamines? Were you having problems with it?
At my first flare, I was put on pred and 12 asacol a day. I've always stayed on Asacol, but had to start the taper over three times because I started showing symptoms at lower pred doses. Now I'm maintaing on the mesalamines
Also, have you tried rectal enemas (mesalamine) They are fantastic! This message board is full of adherents.
I was on Mesasal 8/day before starting the pred. The dr told me to stop the Mesasal until I see him in two week and then I assume he will have me start then back up when I am tapering. I never had a problem with them but they just hadn't been helping much. I have tried pentasa enemas with little relief. My dr is a bit stubborn and doesn't really want to listen to what I think.. (he's the doctor kinda attitude). So far I'm on day 4 of 40mg of pred and i am almost at 100%. I feel great and have no symptoms except maybe a little extra energy which I will not complain about