froggyfrog said...
Thanks for the suggestions everybody, I'll mention them to my GI when I see him on Friday.
ByeByeUC said...
Iron infusions can come with their own set of problems too and should only be done if absolutely necessary. I'm still dealing with anemia but I cannot take ferrous kills my stomach. I have been taking a brand called Feosol Bifera hip & pic iron. It's a lot gentler on your stomach and I have seen improvements while I have been on it. I take it 2x a day as per instructions of my doctor. Alway check with your doctor first if you make any changes.
I was on Bifera before this, it seemed to agree with me more, but the pharmacy stopped carrying it for whatever reason. Guess I'll need to hunt it down. They changed the name to Feosol. I almost didn't locate it on the shelf because I was looking for the Bifera name.