I just had to share this. I guess I'm just still alittle stunned. When they said the Prometheus test was alittle pricey, they weren't kidding. The total amt was...are you ready for this one??? $10,214.10. I bet my insurance co just luuuuuves me.
Here's the break down...
Collection of venous blood by venipuncture.................$68.65
Chemiluminescent Assay.......................................$2039.79
Molecular Diagnostics, lysis of cells prior to nucleic
acid extraction....................................................$122.64
Molecular Diagnostics............................................$786.88
Another Molecular Diagnostics.................................$327.08
Genetic examination................................................$98.36
Here's the big one...Immunoassay, RIA...................$6,047.44
Reactive Protein...................................................$194.78
Immunofluorescent Study...................................... $528.48
I don't even know what any of it means except for the first one. For sure I'm no molecular scientist. But isn't that something??? All I can say is, thank God for insurance. Without it, I probably would have lost my first born by now and working on my second.