I was surprised to get a notification of activity on this old thread!
Update on my cellulite - I still have it on my thighs but it doesn't look quite as bad as it used to. I workout a lot - at least what most people would consider to be a lot (to me I probably think it's not enough, lol). I do a lot of weight training and cardio, plus pilates to strengthen my core. I don't have any cellulite around my waist - I tend not to hold any fat there (although my massive bloating lately makes me feel huge around there). It's all on my thighs. I've been trying to hard to build up the muscle on my legs more over the past 2 years and it makes it less noticeable - I can actually finally see some of the muscle on my legs. But I can't get rid of it. I saw a plastic surgeon years ago and he said you can't get rid of cellulite with surgery. You can get lipsuction which will get rid of fat, but the cellulite will still be there (it may appear smoother after though). The tissue fibers are broken and that produces the bumpy appearance - right now as far as I know there is no proven way to fix that.
But building muscle will help the appearance smooth out a bit, as well as getting rid of fat as that will allow muscle to show.