I'm not doing well right now. Just submitted some stool samples to be tested for cdiff, parasites, etc. I've been flaring for 3-4 weeks now. Had remicade last week. Never in the past 7yrs have I had any bad reactions to remicade. Yet, since remicade last week I have had bad nights. At first throw up, now fever, chills and night sweats. Struggling to stay hydrated, eat some food, etc. Oh and top of all this I got my period today. Just adding to my misery.
Has anyone been on remicade with success for a long time and then have it stop working for you? If so, what did you do next?
Also, need some helpful insight about cdiff: how did you know you had it, symptoms, etc. Once you were diagnosed, did you take antibiotics, how long did it take?
Feeling really crappy. Any and all helpful info is GREATLY appreciated.