I just searched and there are a number of posts about
the negative effects of potatoes but my experience has been positive.
Last summer at the end of my garden season, I harvested my potatoes and started eating a small potato most mornings where I would wash it, grate it, and make hash browns with a fair amount of butter involved as well. At that time I was having between 3 and 4 bowel movements a day. Over the course of the next three months my bowel movements decreased down to 1 per day and have remained at the level even as of today. I looked back through my records and I couldn't find anything else that I had changed and surprisingly I did not have my usual fall flare and I haven't had my usual spring flare either.
While doing some other research recently I stumbled upon the research that resistant starch (
/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistant_starch) produces butyrate when processed by the digestive system and this may explain why I am now only having one stool a day. Given that I have my hash browns swimming in butter may also account for my success since butter is a good source for getting butyrate as well. I have also responded positively to psyllium seed powder in the past as well which also is a good source for increasing butyrate levels in the digestive system.
Fecal Butyrate Levels Vary Widely among Individuals but Are Usually Increased by a Diet High in Resistant Starch
jn.nutrition.org/content/141/5/883.abstractPubmed (
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=butyrate ulcerative colitis) has numerous references to butyrate and ulcerative colitis.