it's been a while since i left the house other than to go to the hospital or doctor's office. i have bad anxiety about
having an accident so i just stay home all the time. but since starting paleo 9 days ago, i am doing so much better. first off, mother and i baked paleo morning glory muffins that were the BOMB. they had raisins, carrots, apples, cinnamon, and other good things. everyone loved them. next, i let the dog outside and the cat escaped as well. i had to chase her bubbly butt around the yard so an eagle wouldn't snatch her up. an eagle could take the dog though.
after that, mother and i went to the library. that was a safe bet since they have a good size bathroom and i know all the librarians. we got some cookbooks out and then went to the grocery store. i haven't been there in 5 months and i have a lot of friends in the produce department. i saw my good friend, ed, (most of my friends are over 50) and we couldn't keep our hands off each other! my mom was kind of freaked out but she knows ed is harmless. we got a crapload of fish- crab legs, salmon, and trout WITH the heads on! i was so excited about the heads because i wanna be like andrew zimmern and eat the eyes and brain. i met another guy at the fish counter and he was telling me all about picking out the perfect escargot and where to go for good scallops. again, my mom just acted like we weren't together. we were in the store for like an hour and we really needed a special ingredient that we couldn't find. ended up having to go to trader joe's- count em- 3 places in one day!!!- and i was all pumped and excited and not nervous at all!!! (well, a little bit). but we made it there and back and i was totally fine. no problems. no cramps. just some dancing in the car to "super freak" and "respect."