I was misdiagnosed for about
a year before one of the many docs I saw, found I had a prolapse not far inside the rectum and under that was ulceration.
Wether the prolapse started it or wether it was starting already and the initial symptoms of constipation caused me to prolapse, I will never know. Anyway, it spread but I generally so far do not have to bad a time of it, meds keep it in check for the most.
My son however, I firmly believe was caused by antibiotics.
He was two months premature and during the first stressfull month in hospital he had 3 infections which they administered broadspectrum antibiotics. The last infection showed up as shadows on his bowel during x rays. Once again a shotgun of antibiotics was administered.
He got very little mums milk as my wife was unable to express for him in the hospital due to all the stress.
He then caught chicken pox by the time he was only 8 months old, more antibiotics.
Pretty much during his first four years he had a fair batch of antibiotics for different things. We put this down to him being exposed to many other children with bugs at nursery.
Once he started school at 5 years old he appeared to be the healthiest in his class, he was never absent with illnesses. we assumed his immunity was realy good after all the infections he had come through.
During this time he was having night terrors and sweating profusley at nights, the sweating was most nights, the night terrors were once or twice a week.
The docs just said he is fine and some kids are like this, he'll grow out of it.
Then when he was eight he was diagnosed with scarletina and more antibiotics were given, one month after this he started to bleed.
I feel the last dose was the straw that broke the camels back. He was diagnosed with pan colitis shortly afterwards.