Red_34 said...
I was put on 6mp first, but I have a crazy system and for some reason I can't metabolize it correctly - I can't get into the therapeutic level. So than I started on Remi. I am still on 6mp too along with Colazal. I am on a low dose of 6mp (50mgs) but my GI wants me to stay on it with the Remi to help prevent building anti-bodies against the Remi.
I had a serum reaction to the Remi after my 3rd infusion so now I pre-medicate a half hour before the infusion with Benedryl and Solumedrol. It has stemmed any reactions. Before the pre-med, I had severe joint and muscle pain and then my hands swelled up into claws.
I took Benedryl before all my infusions and still had this allergic reaction. What happen with your serum reaction?